Thursday, October 29, 2009


ANITA-I am having trouble getting all the exercise done and good food choices in my day! We have no routine so I am asking for prayer to be able to get all of this under control. I have a comida for a couple on Friday, comida for the men of the church on Saturday and then it is SUNDAY! I am not discouraged but feeling a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I am trying too hard? Maybe I should have started ahead of everyone? Feel like I wil not really begin this program until MONDAY!! Anyone else having the same problems?


Beth in NC said...

I pray God will give you wisdom how to set yourself up for success.

I have a hard time making wise food choices when my house is full of bad stuff.

Best Wishes!

Mary said...

I think all of us will have days like this along the way, but we just have to do our best, and not worry about keeping up with everyone else.

My first day,hubby and I had to go to a luncheon...I had to eat what they prepared,but I ate very small portions, then came home and ate a large salad for dinner. Just think, we have Thanksgiving around the corner, so I'm thinking that I have to have a plan before we sit down to eat, or I'll get sidetracked.

Praying for you! God bless,

Ketty said...

Don´t worry Anita. Like Mry said, it´s a good idea to eat whatever but small portions, (which is extremaly hard for me ).

Ánimo y you can start asap.


Anita said...

You guys are so sweet...thank you.
I LOVE this Blog! Going to eat some grapefruit and start my exercises!!

Joy said...

Anita, my nutritionist convinced me years ago that my healthy eating habits begin at the grocery store. Don´t bring it in the house, and it won´t be there to tempt you : ) I know most of us don´t live alone (poor husband) , but buying healthy snacks is a step in replacing the bad ones. And yes, overwhelmed is a word that makes total sense. Try to set some small goals (grocery shopping list written ahead of time, a menu for the week, etc.). As you reach the small goals you will be encouraged to keep on, and to make more goals. Praying that God will give you focus. love, Joy