Sunday, November 29, 2009

Measurements week 4

Waist: 70 cm
Hip: 96 cm
Chest: 78 cm
Bust: 94 cm
Thighs: 54 cm
Arms: 27 cm

Total loss: 5 cm

No weight loss this week

This picture is after exercising. We recorded some video of me exercising with two of my kids. I'll post that separately.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are looking sooo fit!! Love the look!

Maribel, how does it work, working out with your kidos? I can´t do Jillian with my boys. too embarassed of her outfit or lack of it. I do exercise with them outside but now ít´s getting so cold. Are you doing any special things? We could do the boys Karate at home. jejeje

I am sooo happy for your 5 cm loss! that´s big time!! Great Crunchin´! Isn´t it worth it???

Dani Joy