Thursday, March 25, 2010

Springy Journal March 25

Well, it's been a mostly good week. Thursday I managed to get my housework done and yogalates (60 min). Friday we went to the snow and had a hike to get to the snow and I made it 3 times almost in a row, so I'm counting 20 min. =). Saturday was my off day - the kids had AWANA games and then we went to my nephews birthday party. Sunday the family went for a walk - I finished at 60 min! Monday after school I took the kids out again and walked for 20 min came in and walked up and down the staircase for about 12 min then finished the 20 min timer back and forth in the house while my dh put on his tennis shoes and then we walked for the last 20 min! Tuesday I could hardly move. I did manage to do yogalates for 60 min. While the kids were at AWANA dh and I were sitting on the couch. I got up to do something and my dh laughed at how I was walking. Apparently I was sore. =) Yesterday did not go according to plan. My 3 yo went to watch softball practice with me, so I didn't get to walk around the track like I had hoped. Hoping to walk again after school today.

Food choices: I have been counting calories. I am noticing a pattern, and trying to work on that this week.

Pounds -1.4
Inches -6.75
Which puts me measurement wise about where I was the 1st week into the challenge. Weight wise still last Nov. I am feeling swollen and puffy today though, so ...

Hope you have a great last week! Keep up the great work!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh Sarah! this is great! Looks like you are fitting the exercise in where you can. That´s awesome!

I am so glad you are sticking with it! Even when this challenge is over, many of us are over at encouraging each other there too. You should join us there when the challenge is over to keep you motivated and going strong.

It´s a long haul but if we think of it for life than it´s a forever change not just the long haul. =) Don´t know if that helps or not at this point. =0

We can do this thang!

Dani Joy