Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Set yourself up for success

As we get closer to the holidays the days seem to get so busy that it is hard to fit exercise workouts in amidst all the other activities. I am finding that I am more successful in getting the workout in if I set myself up the night before for success. I make sure I have my workout clothes (and shoes) set out and ready to go, I decide what time I am going to workout and what I am going to do (which park to head to, if I am doing a wii fit plus workout, if I am going first thing in the morning, after dropping the kids off at school, in the afternoon, etc.) Even better is to have my ipod charged and loaded, the water bottle filled and chilling in the fridge and the outfit I will change into after my shower ready to go. By eliminating a lot of the excuses and time wasters, I am more likely to get out the door and get it done.

What can you do to set yourself up for success tomorrow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great suggestion! I have my clothes laid out, sneakers by my bed, and the wii program and remote all in place.

Thanks, Kathryn :-)