Wednesday, March 30, 2011

measurement update: Alice wk 6

I weigh myself every day because I like/need to see the effects my actions are having every day. I only measure every couple of weeks because those changes seem to come much slower. I tend to use the way my clothes are fitting as a better gauge for if I am losing inches. This week was time to measure again. I hope these numbers aren't due to measuring inaccurately because the numbers ALL went down or stayed the same. Yay!

Here is where I started & Where I was week 3 Where I am now WK 6
weight 138.6 lbs 136.6 lbs -2 lbs. 135.2 lbs -1.4 / -3.4 overall
bust 93.5 cm 95.5 cm +2 cm (huh?) 92 cm -3.5 / -1.5 overall
chest 85 cm 86 cm +1 cm 82.5 cm -3.5 / -2.5 overall
waist 90 cm 85 cm -5 cm (Yippee!) 85 cm 0 / -5 overall
hips 102 cm 101.5 -0.5 cm 100 cm -1.5 / -2 overall
R Thigh 58 cm 59 cm +0.5 cm 58 cm -1 / 0 overall
L Thigh 59 cm 58.5 cm -0.5 cm 58 cm -0.5 cm / -1 overall
R Arm 30 30.5 cm +0.5 cm 30.5 cm 0 / +0.5 overall
L Arm 29.5 29 cm -0.5 cm 29 cm 0 / -0.5 overall

Total change at 3 weeks: -2 lbs -2cm
Change from 3 to 6 weeks: -1.4 lbs -9.5 cm
total change from beginning to 6 weeks: 3.4 lbs -12 cm


Sarah K said...

Hooray! Congratulations! Way to go!

Maribel said...

That's great, Alice! Way to go! Your sacrifice is paying off!

Unknown said...

Wooo hoo! Way to keep at this and not give up!

You are springing us by!

Dani Joy

Cindy B. said...

Good job, Alice! Keep up the good work. Slow and steady pays off.