
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Point System and Rules

Let´s Get Crunching! 

Many of you you have asked again about the points. I am glad for all the ideas and comments. This will only help you all in the long run, so please do not hestitate to ask. 

3/30 Day Challenges
1st- Sept 23 - Oct. 22
2nd- Oct. 23 - Nov 21
3rd- Nov. 22 - Dec. 20

Each month the lady with the most points will receive a 10$ Gift Certificate to her favorite online store. If more ladies sign up, there will be more surprise gifts. (Sign-up on the top right side bar.) 

20 min. consecutive high heart rate exercise = 1 point/ 3pt max.
2 liters/quarts of water or 1/2 your body weight in oz. = 1 point
HEP = 1 point (Healthy Eating Plan) -1 for any food not in your HEP
Posting = 1 point ( 4 posts max. per week)
1 pound lost = 1 points (.5 kilo 1 point)
1 inch lost = 1 points (2cm = 1point)

Learn how to measure HERE

Exercise!!! - Yes, it very important in my opinion. We get 1 point for every 20 minutes of consecutive high heart rate exercise. (Stretching must be done at the end and does not count this time.) No stopping in the middle. 

 This includes any exercise which raises your heart rate. Casual walking and house cleaning are not included. Also, stop and go sports like volleyball and softball for example do not raise your heart rate for long enough periods of time. I recommend increments of 20 minutes with 5 minutes of stretching at the end. (stretching does not count in the 20 minutes) 

The reason for the maximum limit is so that we are doing more intense workouts. I recomend a mixture of weight training and cardio workouts. Mike Chang´s six pack short cuts and Jillian Michael´s videos (all on You Tube) are excellent for this. You may do walking videos and pilates or yoga, but they must be continual and without a lot of resting. The key is purposeful exercise to burn calories and tone our muscles. Toned muscles burn fat and increase metabolism! 

HEP - Healthy Eating Plan - followed = 1 pt You should post   what your HEP will be for accountability in your first post.  If you keep to your HEP each day, it is 1 point! If you blow it, you just don´t count that point for the day. ** One Free day is allowed and counts as your HEP point.


My HEP: 

No White flour foods
No White Sugar foods 
Add in Whole Wheat foods in small proportions
No Fried foods
1 plate of fruits and veggies combined a day. 

Posts/ Participation -  This is my favorite part of the challenge. I love all the interaction and encouragement! Most importantly, we uplift one another to be the best we can be. I believe that we were made by a Creator who wants us to serve Him with all that we have. When we post inspiration and what we are learning, we are helping each other to reach our goals!

Posts and Journaling
 You may choose one of 4 ways:

1- E-mail your journal to me, 

2- post on our private FB page 
3 -blog on your own blog linking to Faith Fitness and Fun blog. (must let me know)
4- blog directly on our  Faith Fitness and Fun blog. (must be invited)

Your introduction post for the first week 
should include-  Info about yourself, a picture, goals, definitely your HEP, and maybe measurements if you want to share. 

 Post/ Journaling Ideas - 

-Some post their measurments as a first journal post. 
- Post about your exercise for the last couple of days.
-Post about your food choices.

You are allowed two tips a week. They may fall under diet tips, fitness tips, humor about fitness and diet, and inspirational tips. The lables are in the label section in the blog editor if you are blogging. 

**You are only allowed 4 posts a week for points but, you may post more. They just do not count for points.**

**We must post point totals at least once a week to qualify for the prizes, unless other wise explained.**

If you still have not signed up you can do so at any time. Just hop in with the points where you can or wait until the beginning of the next month. You can dontate $5 to compete for prizes ( button is on the top right) or comment below to follow along for support. 

"...She strengtheneth her arms.." Prov. 31:17

Crunching it, 
Dani Joy


  1. Dani Joy, I am curious. What sort of meals do you eat every day? Can you post a menu of a regular day for you? Thanks, my friend!

  2. There should be a spot on facebook or something where people check in with what they're eating, lol!

    I do this on (it's true) and it really does help to keep track of the meals.

  3. yeah... well, we will have our HEP points.. that´s the best I can do. LOL... We all set our own healthy eating plan. I hate calling it a diet.

    I track my food on the Belly Fat Cure app on my IPAD. ONly it is very tough to do when you are cooking for everyone else.

