
Friday, June 17, 2011

Getting Serious

I don't recall getting this big, but I have been hovering around 200# for the last 2 years. I know it was from lack of exercise and poor eating, using food as comfort instead of the Lord. I am trusting God to help me get back in shape and this blog has been a good encouragement. I am finally ready and convicted to do so.

I have started an Arise and Shine 28 day colon cleanse to get started. My daughter Gen is doing it with me. We started at the beginning of the month, but took 4 days off since we stayed with some friends for 5 days. I only planned for 2 days. We had a great time, but the cleanse went aside. We restarted on Monday. There are 4 weeks to this cleanse with a week of cool down,

The cleanse uses herbs and bentonite clay with psyllium shakes to get rid of accumulated mucous plaque in your colon. You also take a pro-biotic before bedtime. I have done this twice in the past with good results, but never followed up on it with the week of cool down. After I wake up I take the shake, followed by herbs 1 1/2 hour later and continue this throughout the day. The first 3 weeks you eat meals instead of a shake-3 meals the first week, 2 the second, 1 the third. You do PH testing before starting the final week of fasting with fresh made juice. You can eat only raw fruit and veggies, a small amount of soaked nuts, no salt, sugar, grains, meat etc. The diet makes a good cleansing diet, but not good for long time eating.

We are doing week 2 and will start week 3 on Monday. We added some good apple, carrot, onion, spinach, celery and beet juice this morning which should help. I have some unflavored colloidal minerals on order which should help also. I feel great in the morning, but have periods of feeling nauseated and sick throughout the day. This is not a time for heavy exercise and will get back to strenuous exercise when I start the Maker's Diet.

This is a drastic step, but I have been so undisciplined with eating, that I needed a drastic step. The cleanse is so restrictive and I am committed to staying on it that it will be a good start to loosing my masses of weight. My plan is to do the cool down week eating salads and raw food and lacto-fermented green beans, okra, cabbage and beet Kvass. Then adding bone broths. After this week I plan to do the Maker's diet very strictly, phase 1 for 2 weeks, phase 2 for 2 weeks and phase 3 until I get down to at least 150# or maybe forever. I should be done with cleansing by the second week of July so I won't post any measurements until I have finished with a week or so of the Maker's Diet (book by Jordan Reuben following Biblical principles of eating).

Sorry this post is so long. I haven't posted in a while and needed to catch up.

Annie L


  1. Sounds great! Sounds complicated for me but if you and Genn can do it I think it will be the boost you need for sure! Getting serious about it for the long term is what you need. I am deffinately here with you. I need to do this for the long term for life.

    We will be praying for you!

    Dani Joy

  2. Thanks Dani Joy. We were quite overwhelmed by God's grace in the fire, but we are sticking with the cleanse.

    Annie L

  3. I understand your mindset. I started a similar (yet not as complicated) plan.
    In Christ we can do all things.
    Praying for you.
