Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jillian Michaels Get Ripped in 30 days


Anyone interested in doing this with Dani and I? It's Jillian Michaels Get Ripped in 30 days! It's one of Jillian's latest releases...and it totally rocks!

Hope you all are doing great and keeping at it. I haven't posted in awhile or kept track of my points but I would like to share what I have been doing. I am a runner and have been keeping at training to do an upcoming half marathon race (it'll be my 3rd half marathon run for the 2011 year). I have been really good with training, however, my diet was the problem. I've come to the point where I've decided to do something about it!

I have committed my plans to God to help see me through it!

I have made small changes to my diet. These are challenging for me but I am determined to keep at it.

1. Drink 8, 8 oz glasses of water per day. I've read and heard that you should drink in ounces 1/2 of your body weight.
2. Switch to whole grain and whole more unbleached enriched stuff
3. Add beans and lentils soups
4. Up the vegetables! This is where my problem is...I need to eat more veggies!
5. Do Jillian Michaels videos 3 to 5 times per week. I am doing the get Ripped in 30 days right now.
6. I am using portion control on food I eat.
7. Tracking calories. Something I never cared to do. I started tracking for the last 4 days and it is unbelievable how the calories add up! Yikes!

My neighbor and I are doing a challenge. My goal is to start small. I will lose 4 lbs in 4 weeks. My neighbor will lose 5 lbs in 4 weeks. Anyone up to this challenge?

Praise God and give Him the glory in your successes!



5kjenni said...

I just bumped into one of Luka's past teaching assistants (whom I last saw about 9 months ago) and she said "You look great!" encouraging...I must be on the right track! Praise God!

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord, Jennifer! I am so glad you are looking to Him for strength and surrounding yourself with good support! :)

I just did week 1 today! loved it! fast pace with a few new moves. I like running outside better but, well, can´t get out much. I hope to do a run sometimes and do the dvd. I am a little bummed I had to buy it though. couldn´t find it to download, but it came with that really cool 30 day meal plan. love some of the ideas on there and the new recipies. ;)

I will post about it all! thanks for the kick. I have been looking for the dvd for weeks now. So excited to do this with you because I know I ain´t running no 2 hrs. lol

Sweatin´it with ya,
Dani Joy