
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

KNOW I'm hungry

After reading one of Dani's comments I was reminded that I eat MUCH of what I eat because I *FEEL* like eating or because I *WANT* to eat, not because I *NEED* to eat. I made a conscious effort today to eat a healthy breakfast & then wait until my body told me I NEED to eat. Surprisingly, I didn't feel hungry for quite a while. I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish & was focused on doing that, knowing that when I NEED to eat, my body would let me know! WOW! Eating when I NEED to eat & that feeling of hunger is something I haven't experienced in a while, and in a weird way I like that feeling...KNOWING that I NEED to eat, rather than just *feeling* or *wanting* to eat! :)


  1. That is a very good principle to live by! Although it is hard when you have a family to feed, and so you make lunch and dinner for them, it is kind of hard to sit down and not eat with the rest of them, since the meal is already ready!

    The one time I eat every day that I don't necessarily "feel" hungry is breakfast! I know that I need the fuel first thing in the morning, so I always eat my oatmeal even if I don't "feel" hungry first thing!

  2. I judge whether I am doing my hunger! I've been hungry for 3 days! woohoo! If I just don't snack much in between, I'm ready for my meals! Keep up the training!

  3. This is a great reminder Stephanie. I know for me it's the same thing. We just need to train our minds. I often think that my mind and my thoughts are my biggest battle regarding my weight. Thanks for the tip and reminder! Keep it up! :)

  4. well, at the same time, I know that if we are hungry our tendency is to grab bad foods. I try to eat 6 small meals a day to avoid getting too hungry and then chow down. I know what you all mean though. It is importnant to not over eat. ;)

    Dani Joy

  5. I understand what you are saying but kinda agree with Dani too. I tend to go too long without eating and then I am too apt to grab the fastest thing. For me it is so much better to be proactive and plan out meals and snacks. That is probably one of the main reasons I am having a hard time on this challenge -- my life is not conducive to meal or snack planning right now. I am running around dealing with spur of the moment changes of plans for the days and then doing lots of travelling and being in and out of churches and peoples' homes. In a way I am looking forward to getting back to Spain and my own home and back to some kind of regular routine.
