
Monday, March 12, 2012


Hi, ladies, 
It´s time to start our third anual Spring In-2- Shape Fitness Challenge!

This Challenge will have two phases each for 30 days. We will keep a running total for the first 30 days then start the points over. I want to see if the shorter challenge will keep us all motivated more. After the first 30 days, we can add more ladies, too, if more get interested.
***Many of you are returning, but for some of you, you are still wondering what this challenge is all about. I will try to explain as briefly as possible, but if you are new to blogging and our challenges please, read everything carefully. It will be worth it all.  There will be some changes from the previous challenges as well.
We use a point system. It is a fun way to stay motivated and see results. The point system contains many options.  Read them carefully as there are some new ones added.
Point System explained :
S2SIII will consist of several catagories for possible points. This levels the playing field. It allows for those who don´t have as much to lose the opportunity to stay in shape, maintain and do great; as well as motivates those who need to lose more weight.  Please, use the attatched spread sheet  SPRING IN2 SPAPE III starting March 14 to keep track of your points as well as tickers on the blog to see your progress, if you would like.  *** For those tracking on Facebook and not using tickers on the blog must include- a total of your points on each journal. ***
These are the catagories. Please feel free to choose the ones you can accomplish. If you are not able to do all of the catagories, work your way up to them. There are no half points. Just know that you are making progress and getting better each day. The more you can accomplish the more disciplined you are becoming.
  • 20 minutes exercise (continuous) = 1 point Must be continuous constant heart elevating activity.
Fast walking, constant sport activity, swimming, biking, running, house cleaning maybe included if it is constant large areas of mopping, vacuuming, or sweeping. (please don´t count standing time unless you are stretching.) Stretching may only be 5 min. out of the 20 min.
***For health reasons you may write me and let me know your condition and your activity level.***
  • 1 pound lost (1/2 kilo)5  points
  • 1/2 inch lost (1 cm) = 1 point
  • 2 liters of water drank daily =  max. 2 points
  • 1 Journal post = 1 point (max 4 per week) New option - May be on the blog or on Facebook. If you have not been invited to our private FB page or to the blog please let me know.
  • 1 tip = 1 Point (max 2 per week) topics include : exercise ideas, diet tips and recipes, inspirational, humor, and videos (health and fitness related) Must be on blog but, you may let us know on FB too.
  • Healthy Eating PLAN (HEP) = 1 point new option - This includes following a healthy eating plan. If you have set one already for yourself, and you follow it you get this point. Please post your plan. - If you don´t have a plan... OUR plan is - NO white, processed sugar foods, NO white flour processed foods,  No fried foods, ADD one plate of fruits and Veggies.
***One "OOOPS day" is allowed and you may still count this point*** "ooops day" includes a day you accidentally put something in your mouth you shouldn´t have or didn´t intend to. This is not a free day! -
*** FREE DAYS do not count for your HEP point***
Yes, I highly recommend measuring. It is an incredible way to track your progress. Often, when you start a fitness program, discouragement sets in because the scales are not moving. Well, when you take measurements, you can track your loss in volume more accurately, and this is normally the first place we notice loss. Attatched is a "how to measure" guide.
Measure Wednesday morning.
S2SIII Start Up Journal Post -
Getting to know each other is always a huge bonus in doing a challenge. I would love for each of you to write a Start up Journal Post. 
10 point bonus for your first introductory post- which will automatically show up on your tickers. (place it in your post section of the spread sheet)
***Introductory post must be posted durning the first week to count for the bonus points.
Please include some information about yourself, and what some of your goals are for this 10 week challenge. Your HEP and your exercise choices.
  1. You may wish to include a recent photo, so you can see before and after differences.
  2. If you have been on other of our challenges you may wish to tell us about your fitness journey. We would be so encouraged by that.
  3. For blog posts Please label all your posts. Labels are found at the bottom of your post editor on the blog.  Under "show all labels"- Place your name, and S2SIII(if it is a journal post) and the appropriate tip option, diet tip, fitness tip, humor, inspirational or video.
This first start up journal post should be labeled as follows: your name, S2SIII, and testimonies.  (again these are found under the show all labels at the bottom of the post editor)
Your start up journal may be done on Facebook if you choose.
We will be allowed a maximum of 4 journal posts a week and 2 tips a week. The tips may be about diet, fitness, fitness and diet humor, inspirational(verses), and/or a video of you working out. This is not mandatory, but you can get a maximum of 6 points a week for your posts. (ie. participation)
I will send out another e mail regarding tickers (point trackers)
Ok, if you have made it this far, you are ready to get SPRINGING IN - 2 - SHAPE!!!
Please, don´t get bogged down with the blog. If you have questions, don´t hesitate to write me or chat with me. , msn chat-, or on the fitness blog itself also below this e- mail is how to get set up on the blog.
With all that said, If you think that the blogging will be too much, I have come up with another way. You may e mail your journals to me. I will copy and paste them into the blog. You may keep track of your points on paper and tell me the points weekly, as well. This is only for those who can not figure out the blog.
Also, you may just audit the whole point system and writing posts to just do your own thing, being encouraged by reading others journals on the blog. ( not elidgible for prizes)
Let´s make Ephesians 6:10 our theme verse.
"My bretheren, (or sisters) BE STRONG in the LORD and in the power of His might."
SPRINGING IN -2- SHAPE  for God´s Glory,
 Dani Joy

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