Sunday, May 26, 2013

Discipline and Strength!

This is exactly what it means to be on a fitness journey for life. We must discipline ourselves even in pain, even in laziness, even in sickness, even in doubt. The Bible says if we allow Christ to discipline us then we will be righteous, and have peace. We will be trained! 

But in order to attain these we must strengthen our weak arms and knees. We must allow the Lord to strengthen us! We must seek His strength. We can´t do it on our own, as many would like to lead us to believe. We must cry out to Him in prayer. 

This is the first step of our fitness journey. 

Have you asked God for help to say "NO" to that doughnut and "YES" to 20 minutes of walking? He will give you that strength you need. You just have to ask. 

Do you sometimes feel like Peter the fisherman? 

"We have fished all night but haven´t caught anything!" He said to Jesus, after Jesus had told him to go back out to fish again. 

We can then read Peter´s testimony and learn from him. He said, 
"yet, at your word, Lord, I will throw out the nets again." And he caught more fish than he had ever caught in his life!

Persistence and consistence are key! We must continue on! 

However, the most important journey of all is our spiritual one . We can not succeed if we miss the most important key of all!


 He died for us so that we might have life eternal. He gave His life so that we could be forgiven. We must live for Him, because He gave His life for us!

Then and only then can we achieve discipline, righteousness, peace, training, strength and be healed! 


applehillcottage said...

Found you through Domestic Fringe. Great piece on discipline! I've found the discipline for eating, but not yet for exercising...And what a good point -- just ask Him! I will...

Unknown said...

Thank you for coming by to visit!
I too, need to remember this advice. So often I try to do it on my own and fail miserably.