Friday, November 27, 2015

Crunch It!


Going into week 4 of our Christmas crunch challenge, we may be tempted to throw in the towel. I am here to encourage you to pick up that towel and get ready to wipe the sweat off your forhead. 

We have 4 more weeks until Christmas and that is plenty of time to keep crunching and getting fit. Along with our point system, which should encourage you to get moving and exercising for at least 20 minutes a day, I have found some great tips. 

Also, click on this picture for a great free printable at the end of the post.

The best tip, is the 24 day challenge. I did this challenge two times and saw great results! I felt so much energy and lost over 5 inches. It is a jump starter and a health booster. It is also a business opportunity for me. I would love to help you to start your 24 day Challenge. Check it out here

Don't forget to check in and let us know your progress. 

Crunching it with you,

Dani Joy

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