Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Crunch In

I did 50 minutes of my Fitness Forte DVD. I also did 10 minutes of stretching and toning exercises.

Today, I decided to try some of the recipes that have been posted on the CCC. For lunch, I made the Pumpkin Soup recipe that Joy gave. It was wonderful. I ate that while the rest of my family ate pizza. For supper tonight we are trying Sarah's Crockpot Chicken. We are getting ready to eat dinner soon. It smells great. I'll have to let you know tomorrow how it was.

Have a great crunchin' day, everyone!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

How wonderful! It all sounds soo good!

I had pizza last night. ooops. Just a piece but still! I went to bed feeling heavy. :(

Big Crunchin hugs
Dani Joy