Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting back on track and Keeping On!

5 Ways to Get Back on Track After the Holidays

Thanksgiving's over, and we hope you managed successfully. But even if you strayed a bit from your eating and exercise plans, you can always get back on track. Here are 5 steps to help you regain your footing.

Restock your kitchen. Make sure no unhealthy foods (like highly processed chips and sweets) have crept back into the cupboards over the holiday. Take a trip to the supermarket to replenish your healthy snacks, such as reduced-fat cheese, fat-free or reduced-fat yogurt, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Return to Phase 1, if necessary. If you really overindulged, you may want to go back on Phase 1 for a few days to eliminate any cravings for sugary and starchy carbs that might have returned. While we don’t recommend staying on Phase 1 too long, it will help get you back on track.

Move it. Getting regular and consistent exercise — a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio interval or core exercise most days of the week — is an important element of any healthy lifestyle. If you’ve skipped a few days of exercise over the holiday, don’t make it a habit. Just resume your regular exercise routine and keep it up as best you can through the busy weeks ahead. Remember that some exercise is better than none.

Get ready for the next holiday. Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's are just around the corner. Take the lessons you learned from Thanksgiving and use them to plan your next holiday celebration. If you keep your Thanksgiving setbacks and successes in mind, you'll be better prepared for the road ahead.

Check out our Holiday Survival Challenge on the Message Boards. Through the end of December, you’ll find holiday-season tips and inspiration that will help you stick to your healthy lifestyle. Not a member? Sign up today!

I thought these were great tips especially after Thanksgiving.

Keep on crunching, Ladies!

Dani Joy

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