Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quick post!

It's been a tough week, after doing well during wk1 I managed to fall whilst out walking on Thursday and hurt myself and to top that off I picked up Mr H's cold. My doctor gets very mad with me if I exercise when I'm ill so I stayed home and kept bundled up in the hope of recovering quickly.

Food wise I've done well only succoming to chocolate one time. Decided to go for an easy walk with 2 girl friends yesterday, along the river in the sunshine, it was lovely but last evening and this morning I realised it was to soon. Ho hum.

Anyhow, I need your prayers girls. I'm due to fly to Lithuania on Thursday evening to visit our church missionaires. We'll only be there 3 days but it's currently -20°C (-4°F) though could warm up to a balmy -7°C (19.5°F) on Saturday.

My body doesn't cope with cold but Matt and I are going to encourage the family and also plan a teaching missions trip with them for September. As some of you know, it's kind of lonely on the mission field so I need to be healthy and go along.


Kathy <><

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear you fell. I fell too playing b ball with the boys. I think I have to go to the Physical Theripist. What did you hurt? I pray that you will heal quickly and that your cold will subside too. I am taking echenesia (sp?) and propolio mix. It seems to be helping.

I will be praying for your trip to Lithuania. I pray you have a good stay and can stay warm! Also for your time with the missionaries.

Love ya! Can´t wait to see you!

Dani Joy