Sunday, November 1, 2009

TIP: Body Clutter Investigator

Happy Sunday, ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful morning and were able to worship with your family and friends. We had a powerful message from Rev. 19. As the signs of the times become more visible, this wonderful Book of the Bible becomes more and more clear to me. If you haven't read it lately, take another very close look.

About two years ago, I discovered Fly Lady. This is a website about clutter and organization, but there is also a section on weight loss, called Body Clutter. There is a page you can download called Body Clutter Investigator. I did this when I first discovered it, and not only did I lose weight, I also remembered to drink my water, take my thyroid, take my vitamins, and drink my Just Barley, plus weighed daily, which is something I have to do, or I'll fudge (with the fudge). Without a printed schedule or calendar of sorts, I would forget my name, so this was of extreme help to me. Interetingly, as soon as I stopped filling it out, I also stopped losing weight...and eventually, put it all back on. This is a lifelong program we are entering here, gals, and we need to find our best source of personal accountability...Dani Joy isn't going to be there to hold our hands forever...though I wish she would! This little sheet of paper really makes a difference, so I hope you'll go to the Fly Lady website, print yourself out a month's supply of the "investigator", or even a year's supply, and start taking charge of your food, your water, your weight, and your LIFE!

Body Clutter Investigator:

Daily Chart for our Metabolism and Loving Ourselves
Day: M T W Th F S S Date: ___________ Today’s Scale Reading ________
This is not who you are! Don’t be afraid!
Sleep: Bedtime last night? _____ Get up time this morning? ____
How many times did I get up during the night? ______
Did I take a nap today? ______ Total Hours of Sleep? __________
Did I do my Morning Routine? ____ Before Bed Routine? _________
Quick Check List: color in the circles
Meals 000 Fruits 000 Water 00000000 Vitamins 0
Snacks 000 Veggies 000 Milk Products 000
Walking 0 Weights 0 Aerobic Activity 0 Stretching 0
Food intake: Meals and Snacks:
Breakfast ___________________________________________________
Morning Snack _______________________________________________
Lunch ______________________________________________________
Afternoon Snack______________________________________________
Dinner _____________________________________________________
Evening Snack________________________________________________
How much fiber did I consume today? __________________________
Did I take my vitamins and supplements today? ________
Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
Did I move any today? ____ How many minutes did I spend walking? _______
Lifting Weights? ______ In aerobic activity? _____ Stretching? ________
What happened today? How did I feel about it? Did I experience any emotional
Body Clutter today? Write on the back if needed. ______________________
Go Me!! I am so proud of me for facing all my Body Clutter

Happy crunching, everyone! I'm doing 60 minutes a day now, and will try to add another 20-30 minutes in the evening, starting tomorrow, because otherwise, all I do is sit at this computer!


Anita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anita said...

(I removed my first comments as I had a typo!) Mary, firstly, I loved your crunch post. I am trying to apply fly lady for org. house. Think I am being a bit too ambitious. Planning a great week, though. Secondly, I read your post and was stumped on your pastors name..."WE HAD A POWERFUL MESSAGE FROM REVEREND 19. I read it three times before I figured out it was Revelations 19! and not your Pastor. Have great week crunchin'.

Beth in NC said...

I am a "rule" follower -- so I can see myself doing this. I'm like you Mary, if I don't weigh myself, I begin to allow more snacks.

I'll go to visit the fly lady.

Love & hugs!

Mary said...

This is Mary leaving a message for Cherry Blossom Blessing! I can't find you on the list...what is your first name?

LOL on the "reverend"! I should always go back and read what I've written...I make typo's all the time!

Don't forget to let me know your name so I can find you!

momstheword said...

Wow, what a great way to keep yourself on track! I love lists and things like that because I like to check things off.

Three snacks a day? Awesome! What does she call a snack?

~ Nan

Joy said...

Oh, I like this, Mary. I´m going to use it and possibly (once I get rid of some more body clutter) share it with my ladies at church. I have several who struggle with weight. Thanks for sharing. Joy

Anita said...

Hi Mary...Cherry Blossom Blessing here and I am Anita and sorry I forgot to leave my name at the bottom of my post. When I first signed up for the BLOG they asked for a specific name or something. I write my CBB newsletter for the ladies on my prayer list. Didn't know everyone would just be normal names. Anyways, don't know how to delete the cbb name so I try to remember to put mine at the bottom (like Alice D. is Madridmom). I love your outlook on everything so we'll be talking! Already did my health bounce and grapefruit! Praying for you! thanks Anita

Unknown said...

This is a great chart!! love it!! will use it in the future.

thank you for posting it!

The big Crunch,
Dani Joy

Becka said...

I love this idea,
think I wiil do it,