Monday, November 2, 2009

workin' it

Yesterday, I got my butt kicked by Jillian on the 30 day shred. That was the longest 20 minutes of my life--except for giving birth. After the dvd, I took our dog walking for 20 minutes.
I blew the eating part over the weekend since it was my birthday, but I'm back on for today.
It's been really encouraging to see everyones points moving up the ticker. It really motivates me to workout on the days that I'm tempted to be lazy.
Have a happy day, ladies.


Unknown said...

totally, Sarah!!! I tell my hubby that when i am doing some of those exercises on Jillians DVD´s that i feel like I am giving birth!
It gets easier. Don´t over due it at first. I hurt so badly after the first time doing the shred I couldn´t sit down properly. jejeje
Work into it. and work up slowly. ;) It will change your bod!!

Walkin the dog is good!!

The big Crunch
Dani Joy

Maribel said...

Happy belated birthday. Mine is coming up, and I am planning to go easy on myself (-: