Friday, February 19, 2010

Veggies Prepared in Ways You Can Love!

It's no secret that vegetables are the healthiest foods around, packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber--and that we need to up our intake for lifelong health and weight control. But the problem is: Far too many people just hate vegetables and refuse even to try to choke them down.
If you're a vegetable hater, listen up! There are ways to make nature's healthiest foods taste delicious. One method is to spice them right. Here's the rundown on which spices work best with certain vegetables and greens:

Broccoli or brussels sprouts: Caraway seeds
( I like parsley and green onions with brussels sprouts.)
Green beans: Tarragon or dill weed
(One of my favorites on green beans is garlic, or lemon rind and oregano)
Spinach: Nutmeg
Squash: Allspice or curry
Tomatoes: Basil, oregano, red pepper, or rosemary
Green, red, or yellow peppers: Thyme

Often the "baby versions" of certain vegetables such as artichokes, turnips, or squash tend to be more flavorful and less bitter.
Taken from 6-Day Body Makeover by Michael Thurmond

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great tip, Kristy! I totally need to get eating more fruits and veggies and stop with the empty calories.

Dani Joy