Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sharla's CCIII Journal

Hello Ladies,

For thanksgiving I always make a pumpkin pie. The crust looks kind of sorry but I know it tasted good because I tried a piece. Yikes! 320 calories a slice without the whipping cream! I figured I would have to jog for 40 minutes to work it off.

This week I was able to exercise the whole hour, so I am excited to get the bonus points. I should have done more but at least I was able to get three days in.

I have been doing pretty good not eating sweets except for Thanksgiving day. I have a bad habit of eating large portions specially when I am very hungry, so this week I am going to really try to eat small portions.

I haven't weighed myself for a couple of weeks, but I know I have gained a few grams. This Wed. I am going to weigh myself to see how I have been doing. I am kind of dreading it because I was out for a couple of weeks and did hardly no exercise, and I always gain when I don't move even when I am super busy.

Keeping busy doesn't keep the inches off anymore! My metabolism has slowed down, so I have to get out there and sweat.

Ok, no more talking, today is Sunday and I am going to rest and then take a long walk since it is not raining.

Take care,

Sharla G.

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