Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Time to be REAL!

What does being real have to do with fitness and health?

 It has been a theme at our school, Brethren Christian High, this year. "Be real with yourself, others and God."  How can we apply this to our health? Should we? 

Hmmm... maybe we don't want to go there...
In life we are so concerned with images, but it's not the image or the outside I am referring to. It's the opening up to others about our daily struggle to be healthy and fit. (aka disciplined) It is a bear! Our whole being tells us we aren't as healthy as we should be, while there's a lie in our heads saying "Oh, its not that bad, or you'll never look like that!"

It is time for me to be real.

I haven't written a blog in almost two years! I haven't given up, but I haven't kept up. In the hiatus, we have moved to California and started new jobs, a new way of living. It has been a big transition for all of us, and it has taken it's toll on my disciplines. My eating habits and my exercise habits have not been as on target as they needed to be. I gained weight and got lazy in my disciplines. 

You're probably thinking,"Now don't be too hard on your self."  However, I sure have felt better in the past than I do now. Is it possible I am not the only one? Have you felt better in the past or know you can do better with God's help?

We  had a healthy community on this blog and on our facebook page, but in the move from Spain to Florida and now to California, these have dwindled considerably. It feels that there is no longer that comradery and accountability that was once such a huge part of my fitness journey. 

Prayerfully, I considered starting up my Spring IN 2 Shape challenge again. I started these seasonal challenges almost 10 years ago with the very first being a Christmas Crunch Challenge with about 10 missionary and pastor wives from all over the world. We would post our progress weekly. No one felt pressured to do the same thing. We were all doing different Healthy Eating Plans (HEP ) and trying new and exciting exercises. We shared them and motivated each other. We lost inches, and pounds together. We gained muscle and stamina together. It was a community. 

I am being real again. I miss that comradery. I would like to invite you to join me or me to join you. Whichever, but let's go on our fitness journey together! 

Here's how I thought we could start. 

1. E-mail me or comment here that you are joining. 

2. Choose a HEP (healthy eating plan) and plan your exercise ahead of time. Then PRAY over it!

3. Print the points/measurement spread sheet to help you count your progress personally. It is highly recommended by all fitness trainers that you measure, but you will keep all that personal unless you really wish to share. Click here for your Spring IN-2- Shape points system and spread sheet. 

Also, you can go here to learn how to measure. (straight from a top fitness trainer)

3. Then share your progress! It's that easy. 

 I made a point system so we don't have to share personal information. Of course,it's based on the honor code. 😉 It's a bit new and improved with my Brethren Christian School co-workers in mind. I will be posting a point chart  in the teachers lounge, so that we can write our points each week on Friday (or the day of the week you measure) Again, no personal information here. 

For our virtual members, I will ask that you post here on our blog or in comments on my post about your weekly progress and your points. You can keep track of your points on the spread sheet as well.

Here is the point system for the S2S 2018
5 points for each inch lost.
10 points for each pound lost
2 points for each 30 minutes of exercise
(must be 30 min consecutive no stopping)

There will be prizes for the top winners in each category,
as well as an overall winner!

Of course, nothing huge, after all I am just a teacher. I am open for any and all suggestions.

I am nervous to put myself out there, but at the same time, I feel it is something God is urging me to do. Please, browse the blog. There is a wealth of information and encouragement from all over the world, not just my babblings.

Let's be real together and let's Spring in~2~Shape!

~Dani Joy

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