Saturday, November 5, 2011

Finally Hit Five!

I FINALLY hit the First Five Pounds! :D I am SO excited I just HAD to share! :) I set a goal for myself to lose 20 lbs in this 10 weeks & I was discouraged when I weighed in this week & found myself *behind*. :P
I've been super-busy & haven't MADE or TAKEN the time to exercise...THAT is changing! Even if it's just taking 5 minutes here and there to jog in place, do a little strength/resistance, I'm finding it helps! :) I work from home as a transcriber so I'm trying to take 5 minutes each hour to get up from my chair & do SOMETHING!
I've also found that drinking my water is REALLY easy if I make sure to refill the water pitcher & put it in the frig before going to bed! (I like my water COLD!) Can't believe we have less than three weeks until Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I KNOW that's going to be a hard day for me, but I'm already planning how I'm going to handle it! It feels GREAT to know that I can plan ahead so that I don't just eat without thinking & then feel guilty later! :)


Unknown said...

Great! Praise the Lord you are seeing results! you can do this in God´s strength. Try to get 20 min. consecutive in a day to get points though.

Dani Joy

Sarah DeSalvo said...

Wow, that's great! I'm so happy for you! It's very encouraging when those pounds start coming off, isn't it?!

Sarah W. said...

Yeah! It sure does feel good when you start seeing results doesn't it! It's also good that you're already thinking of a Thanksgiving Game Plan....I need to start doing that as well! Keep it up! :)

The Herd said...

Wow--that's awesome! I like my water not cold...just b/c of my teeth! hehe---they are a bit over sensitive with really cold water.