Monday, November 30, 2009

crunch in Monday

I just finished my exercise. Thank you for pushing us on, Dani. It is
hard. Social engagements are piling and the end of the semester is
hitting hard. I will do my best to keep on keeping on.
Have a great week!


Unknown said...

It´s a hard push to Christmas. I am feeling it too even though I don´t have a big class. ;) tee hee

Do you have to get together with your students families? I am sure it´s a huge outreach!

How are your children doing in school? (I am assuming you have them in the school this year?)

I am so glad you have your exercise planned in. YOu are doing great! And it also helps that the shred is so quick and effective!

Great Crunchin´
Dani Joy

Maribel said...

Quick and effective? I have only lost one kilo! But the truth is that I can see it more in the mirror than in the scale. I just saw Tamy going down in weight to 54.5 and . . . I don't think I can weight that little. Oh well, I am just going for MY best. You do the same!

Do you get these comments or should I send then personally to you?

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

I see the comments in my email when I click below on the follow up comments. I love all the feed back. Love the connection I have received from other missionaries going through the same things. It´s been a huge blessing for me.

Weight loss will come but you don´t have much to lose so right now you are sculpting your body. to me that´s worth more.

Tami said her bones are small. that may make some difference.

Dani Joy