Friday, November 27, 2009

Post Thanksgiving Crunch In

I hope each one of you had a very special Thanksgiving Day. We had 21 people here at our house for Thanksgiving, and I am really glad to say that everything went well. We had a time of singing and giving thanks to God, and of course, eating. I did really well. Someone brought some nice mixed vegetables, and I filled about half of my plate with those. I had a small amount of everything else, and, yes, I did have some dessert. I had a small slice of coconut cream pie with a small scoop of ice cream.

I am so thankful for my husband's help with the cleanup. I ran 2 loads in the dishwasher (a WONDERFUL gift from dh back in February). My sweet husband vacuumed the entry way, living room, kitchen and bathroom after everyone left. He also cleaned the bathroom for me. My kids helped me clear off the tables. After the kids went to bed, I cleaned all the kitchen coutertops, washed the remaining dishes, and mopped the kitchen, bath and entry way.

I also did do some exercise. I knew Thursday would be busy, so I exercised right after breakfast. I did my Full Circuit DVD for 50 minutes.

Today, I did my Fitness Forte DVD for 50 minutes. We took down all the fall decorations and put up Christmas decorations. We played Christmas music all day today.



Unknown said...

ooooo Christmas music!! you are sooo organized!! I will get out our tree too this weekend.. you got me all psyched up for it now!

Praise the Lord on your Wonderful gathering! And all the clean up! What a team!

You did a great workout too!! I only got 50 min of walking in. Had hoped to do more but, had to get what I could.

well, it´s late and we have kids club tomorrow and Christmas prog. practice. Praying I will find time to crunch it.

No more splurging for me!! I had my pumpkin cheesecake and I am set for a month! LOL

Big hugs
Dani Joy

Siberia said...

I'm not really so organized. We just have done the Christmas decs the day after Thanksgiving for a few years now, and the kids keep at me for us to get it done.
