.....and this is my family.
My husband Michael (age 34....I'm being VERY open with you ladies on this blog!!)
That's me in the cool shades (35...shhhhhh! I married a younger man!! I Know!! GO ME!!)
Brooklyn 10
Faith 9
Liberty 7
Trinity 5
Justice 3
And in case you can't tell......they are so very beautiful! Inside and out!
After 11 years of marriage and 5 kids, my body had gotten abused. This was partially due to quick meals, cheap snack foods, and lots of sugar. Sugar and caffeine were how I kept my energy up during the day.
Our family moved to northern Portugal in February of 2008 and the following months I was able to loose a little weight, but only because there wasn't a Krispy Kreme case in every gas station, McDonald's, or Little Debbie Zebra Cakes. Once I shed those few pounds, I couldn't seem to loose anymore. Even with the help of diet pills and cellulite cream, my legs still looked like bags of cottage cheese!
When I got married I weighed about 155.
After 5 kids, I had gotten up to about 195.
My bone structure is larger than most and I'm almost 5 foot 10 inches tall...but I in NO WAY could pull off being 195!!!
Here are a few photos from the first week after we moved to Portugal.
(My kids laugh when they see these pictures now....saying they can't believe what a difference loosing weight made in my rear.. I don't look at my rear end very often, so I'll take their word for it!)
Anyway, after being in Portugal for almost a year, I gave in and made that decision to DO SOMETHING for myself. Not for my husband, or one of my 5 kids that seemed to take all of my time....but actually do something FOR ME.
My kids had taught me well. With each birth of another child I became less selfish. Learning more and more that it wasn't always about "me" as it had been in my teens and early twenties. I learned to give of myself for others....and in doing so I found great joy. However, my priorities got a little out of whack and I not only neglected myself, I was harming my entire family by not being the best Mom I could be, spiritually, emotionally and yes....physically.
I wasn't as active with my kids as I wanted to be. Loosing my breath quickly and fatiguing just thinking about playing kickball in the yard. I wanted a healthier lifestyle. I wanted to play, sit on the floor to work a puzzle and get up without having to be pulled. I wanted to wear attractive clothes that would make my husband proud to be seen with me. I no longer wanted to use the excuse, "I've had 5 babies in 7 years." I was tired of excuses.....
Me and my Love when I was at my heaviest weight....
This was us a few months ago.....(having a tan helps, I know...but my face, neck and shoulders are much slimmer too)
This picture was taken with my mom a few months after arriving in Portugal and I had already lost a few pounds....but still very thick through the middle.
And one of me in my famous "stretchy" skirts....I was all about comfort! What was I thinking!?
So...this brings me to today. The end of October 2009. After finally making a decision to do something for myself in January, I've lost about 30 pounds. I started with Weight Watchers online. Used it for a few months until I got a hold of what a healthy meal consisted of and until I was reminded how to prepare foods that are healthier and maintain their vitamins and nutrients. Then I went solo. Watching what I ate, joined Curves, and took time to maintain myself. To do something for me.
It wasn't being selfish at all....I was actually doing something beneficial for myself as well as the rest of them.
Now I try to avoid deliciously fattening foods like these.....
and this......
Even though I am a cook at heart.....I have to be careful...very careful. (For example..I made 50 red velvet cupcakes today for my daughter's classroom....and I ate 2 of them. The guilt I have is horrible, besides the headache from all the refined sugar...it's not worth it ladies...take my word on it.....a sweet pear from my fruit dish would have been so much more pleasant to eat...and I could have eaten two pears or even three for what calories I consumed with one cupcake.) After 10 months you'd think I'd know that by now.....I DO know that, I just forget at times... :)
That's me in the red.....another rear end shot. This was taken a few weeks ago. I still have quite a bit of "back" however, there is still a significant difference from the first photo I posted! Praise The Lord! (I've always had a big booty...even when I was my in my teens....there's a story behind my "behinny"...I'll share with you one day...I know...you can't wait...)
Me and Faith pole fishing this summer.....
Getting a "girlie hug" from 3 of my daughters.....
Life is much sweeter these days....and I am very thankful to my Lord for His help, strength and encouragement over the last 10 months. I couldn't have done it without Him.
I still have 3 kilos left to loose. (about 6.5 pounds) so I will be doing the Christmas Crunch with you all. I just wanted to post about where I've come from to help encourage you along your journey.
I hope to make regular appearances on this blog and give you a recipe, or food idea. Maybe even some ways to get active, without even knowing your exercising! (I'm talking about the bedroom ladies!!! Now that's where exercising is the most fun, right!!)
;) Praise the Lord for a girls only blog!!
So anyway.....getting my mind out of the gutter and moving right along.
We all need encouragement. That's what we're here for. Pray and give it to the Lord. Then put feet to your prayers and do something about it!!
YOU deserve it!
Nina this is great stuff! Praising the Lord for His strength to keep going on! Thank you for your testimony. You are such an encouragement to me!
You are hilarious! This post made me laugh. Let´s make it fun. There is a fun aspect in getting fit!
Thanks for everything!
Nina, I LOVE your story! You've really done an amazing job and although I really, deep down, don't feel like doing the Christmas Crunch, it's stories like yours that make me glad I measured my Special K this morning.
Can't wait for your posts to come! Oh, and the picture of you pole fishing...you look as skinny as the pole. At first I thought it was one of your daughters. Seriously!
I agree with FringeGirl ... the picture of you pole fishing, I thought it was one of your daughters! Way to go!
Thanks for your encouraging story!
Oh girls....I promise, I'm not as thin as that pictures makes me look...the wind was blowing in my favor for that picture...seriously!!
I know that sounds like a hype...but it's the truth....
My goal is to not have to pray for a "good wind" the next time I have my picture taken!!
Wow, look at all your will-power. You look awesome. You go, girl!
Discipline is what I lack, and I have to admit I love snacking and eating whatever I prepare. But I'm working on that.
Hmmmm, now where are the chips.....?
Hi Nina...loved your post! I think we're all going to have fun as we lose weight together, and you're going to be a great inspiration to all of us! Proof that with God's strength, and committment, we all can do what you've done.
God bless,
hahaha! love that about the wind! I need some wind on my back side when pictures are being taken!
Hoping some "wind" will come my way too the next time I take a "back-side" pic. LOL. You DO look great though! I know its a journey....one step at a time.
thank you for the inspiration to help me on my journey!
Nina, thanks for your story. I'm praying I'll follow in your footsteps. I can beat your 195 and don't have any pregnancies to blame mine on.
You look so beautiful in you pictures.
I really thought you madea mistake when you said you were in the pic, until I saw the next one. I hope I can do the same as you and keep it up with this diet.
Nina! I am so proud of you! You look beautiful! And I can totally relate because I am almost 5'10" -- but much heavier.
One day I'll be there with you!
You sure look great! Way to go!
What an encouragement to all of us:)
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