Friday, November 13, 2009

Tip for today - Win the War at the Grocery Store!

Sometime ago and I don´t remember who told me, this truth entered my brain and my heart. "The war on junk food and unhealthy anything happens at the grocery store...not in our kitchens at home."

So, arm yourself when you enter the grocery store(a weekly menu and a grocery list) and know that if there is only good, wholesome and healthy food tossed into your buggy, that same food will be in your kitchen! Yes, but what to do if you have kids at home? No them healthy food, and teach them at a young age to eat smart. If you bake a lot from scratch, you can also begin to change ingredients and recipes for healthier choices. Every small skirmish you win for your health, will make you stronger for the battle of putting good things in your body for the long run :)

You can´t change years of eating the wrong things overnight, so be patient with yourself, and begin to take baby steps. Have a plan and a purpose. Slowly present these new healthier foods to your family with prayer and a positive approach. Find healthy recipes that taste great, and watch their taste buds and yours begin to crave healthier foods. And remember, you CAN win the war at the grocery store.



KathyH said...

It's so true, if you only have health stuff in the kitchen cupboards, you CAN only make good choices when you get a snack attack.

Also, one of my friend's 6 year old daughter's favourite meals is a plate of steamed broccoli with a sprinkling of salt! How did she do it? by giving them good food from the get go and not wrecking their taste buds with highly processed MSG loaded foods.

I'm also discovering ways to make tasty potatoes and veg without lashing of butter and salt.

A meal plan and a shopping list makes the war on junk food one we can win!!! ;o)

hugs, Kathy

Ketty said...

I have decided already that once I am done with all the white pasta and rice I have in my kitchen, I will buy wheat pasta and wheat rice for the rest of the family. SO far I have been cooking wheat rice and pasta for me, but if I make a delicious sauce, they won´t notice the difference very much.
And let´s see if I can also change the rest of snacks little by little.

Good advise Joy.
hey lady, you are going to need a special menu for the crunchers next summer at camp,, jajajajajaaja.
