Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday

Having read the blogs so far I can't help thinking "what a bunch of losers!" LOL ;oP And I'm a loser too :o) There is 1.15KG and 3 cms less of me than last week.

I've been on a bit of a downer today and not even those figures lifted my mood. 2 reasons, I started my period (the dreaded Red Army) and it's been raining again ALL day. November and February are bad months for me, being cold (but not freezing), wet and windy. I'm weather sensitive and this just gives me a dull ache in my entire body. My physio recommends I emigrate for winter ...... what a lovely thought, 3 months in the Azures.

So, on that thought of tropical islands, I'll leave you this photo to dream about the beauties of the world God created.


Sarah K said...

Way to go! You're doing great!

Unknown said...

A trip!! wooo hooo!!! no no.. I believe all this exercise is going to help and you won´t have to emigrate like a snow bird.

Great job on the weight loss and the inches. be encouraged with every little bit! It´s a journey.

My Aunt Flow came to town too!! grrrr... thankfully she didn´t hit me too hard this time.

Dani JOY