Monday, January 25, 2010

13 days Macrobiotic Diet.

Ok, I kept looking and reading about this diet I started today. It seems to me strange that I was suppose to eat meat right before I went to bed, so I found out a little mistake on Monday´s menu reading somewhere else, so in case anybody in interested in doing it, here is the same diet but improved, because you can have coffee or a tea with a toast eveyday for breakfast. I´m glad I found it tonight, because I will have my toast tomorrow, and I won´t have carrots for breakfast like the first one I found is telling me. :-)

The rest I read about it, it says it´s ok. You will have to be careful if you have kidney problems because of all the protein you are taking here.

Nutritionists here, any idea about what to use to substitute for steaks?

I did make it today but it was hard to wait until lunch to have something to eat, but I´m happy about having a toast for breakfast tomorrow.

As I said before, if anybody is interested, I can translate it into English.

DESAYUNOS: Café o té con sacarina y un biscote.


Comida:1 o 2 Bistecs de ternera a la plancha con ensalada de lechuga, tomate, una cucharada de aceite, sal y vinagre o limón

Cena: Dos huevos duros con judías verdes, acelgas o espinacas con ajo refrito (la cantidad que desee)


Comida:Un gran bistec de ternera a la plancha con ensalada de lechuga, una cucharada de aceite, sal y vinagre. Fruta la que desee

Cena: Jamón York (lo que desee) y un yogurt sin azúcar.


Comida :dos huevos duros, judías verdes (las que desee), tomate y fruta (la que desee)

Cena: Jamón York y ensalada de lechuga, una cucharada de aceite, sal y vinagre


Comida: Un Huevo duro, zanahorias cocidas con ajo refrito y 200 gr. de queso gruyere.

Cena: Ensalada de Frutas (la que se quiera) y un yogurt sin azúcar.


Comida:Un gran pescado blanco a la plancha con tomate crudo (la cantidad que se desee).

Cena: Un gran bistec de ternera a la plancha con ensalada de lechuga, tomate, una cucharada de aceite, sal y vinagre.


Comida: Pollo a la brasa con tomate crudo (lo que desee).

Cena: Dos huevos duros y un plato de zanahorias rayadas con limón.


Comida: Un bistec a la parrilla y fruta (la que quiera)
Cena: Libre. Puede comer lo que quiera pero con moderación.
------------------------------ ------------------
- Este régimen puede hacerse sólo durante 13 días seguidos.

- Se pierden de 6 a 8 Kg.

- Cambia el metabolismo de la persona y tiene una duración de tres o cuatro años.

- Sólo se puede beber agua hasta dos litros y medio (se puede tomar café o té con sacarina y leche desnatada).

- Controlar el peso.


Unknown said...

Could you please translate it into English for me. I only have one year of Spanish under my belt and that was many years ago! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds really strict! Good thing it´s not very long. but it should give you a good jump start. Have to see what Sarah F. says about it. I am hesitant to restrict myself anymore than I am. It backfired the last time trying that 7 day peak diet which was a lot of protien too. I only did it the one day though cause of the water intoxication thing. OH man!

Anyway... Keep at it! YOu can do it!

Going to Strength train right now! needed some motivation so came to our blog!

Love you,Ladies!
Dani Joy