Friday, February 5, 2010

Springy Journal 3

Here is my report for the week. I don't have anything earth shattering to report, but just plugging away trying to get and stay fit.

Thurs 1/28/10 43 minutes Step Up to Fitness DVD

Fri 1/29/10 1 hour snow removal. Today was a very warm day for here. When we got up it was nearly +20 F. That is really warm compared with how it has been, and for this time of year. It was snowing when we were eating breakfast, and a huge temp drop was predicted for later today. We all ended up going outside for “morning recess.” While the kids played, Steve and I shoveled snow. We had lots, and it was still coming down. It ended up taking us an hour to clear it. When we got done, Steve took Melissa out with Astra for a run on the sled. Astra did great! I really wanted to go out later and shovel snow again after the snow stopped. I ended up not being able to, as we were having company for dinner, so I needed to get showered and dinner made. I ate a topsy turvy cupcake for dessert.

Sat 1/30/10 50 minutes Full Circuit DVD. 45 minutes of snow shoveling (transporting) We are running out of places to put the snow. Today we were stacking it up by the foundation of the house in the front. I had to carry it there from the driveway. Not sure which is harder, shoveling and throwing the snow up on the huge pile, or shoveling and carrying it over to in front of the house. We also had a freezing harsh north wind blowing. The thermometer said +2 F, but if windchill were factored, I think it would have been close to -40.

Sun 1/21/10 My day of rest. I didn’t even get on the elliptical today. :-(

Mon 2/01/10 Creative Aerobics DVD for 45 minutes. This morning was the coldest we have had during the almost 7 years we have lived at this house. -50 F! Frozen. So hard to not want to eat hot rolls, things like that. I made a big pot of that Lentil Soup that Tricia gave us the recipe to during the CCC. We ended up eating that for lunch and supper. Kolya, our neighbor, came over and we had a chance to witness to him for 3 more hours. Finally today he admitted that he has never asked Christ to forgive him of his sins!

Tues 2/02/10 50 minutes Full Circuit. It is pretty cool in the house, and I am finding I want to eat more food to try to warm up, or am I just wanting comfort foods? I’m really not sure. Maybe my body needs more calories to stay warm? Whatever it is, I think winter time is a hard time to try to stay away from not so good for you foods. I’m trying, but all I really want is some hot chocolate, and warm cookies. Fortunately, I haven’t had either today.

Wed 2/03/10 1 hour of walking with shopping and errands. Then 40 minutes on the elliptical at 8 resistance level (the highest). I did 12 km. One good and maybe not so good thing happened today. We got a long lost Christmas package today from friends. One thing in there was something that could be my downfall. My very favorite kind of candy is Reeses’ mini peanut butter cups, and there was a very big bag of them in the box. I ate 2! I checked the Nutrition Facts label, and they are 44 calories a cup, so I think I will only eat 1 (max) a day, and make them last a very long time.

I weighed and measured. This is not the greatest week for me to measure, but here they are. No change from last week, but I will post them to get my 4 points. :-)

Bust 33.5
Chest 29
Waist 27
Hips 38
R thigh 21
L thigh 21.5
R arm 10.5
L arm 11

I am really happy though that somehow I have lost 1 kilo, so my weight is now 52.5 kg (115.5 lb). I have only 1.5 kilos more to lose to make my weight goal! I'm not sure how everything will turn out in the end, with doing weight training and losing fat. Will I end up gaining back and above my goal weight (because of muscle weight), but with toned muscles? That still remains to be seen.

Have a great springin' week!



Ketty said...

And what exactly is a topsy turvy cupcake?

My dh´s favorite candy is also rease´s peanut butter cups, but we can´t find them here in Spain either.

I wonder how will you substitute the snowl shoveling during summer ?? :-)


Joy said...

My all time favorite is also Reese´s peanut butter cup. Can´t figure out why? but I assure you if I had a bag, I couldn´t have stopped at 2! Good for you.
I know just what you mean about chewy comfort food...I´ve been doing the raisins (like Dany suggests) but sometimes I crave chewy bread things - donuts, cinnamon rolls, spanish pastries, etc. Must have something to do with bears and hibernation in winter : ) Take care and praying that Spring will soon come your way for a little relief from the cold. Love, Joy

Siberia said...

A topsy turvy cupcake has 2 parts. First a rich chocolate layer, and then in the middle a cream cheese mixture with chocolate chips. My mom always made them, and they are wonderful. Don't worry about the summer. We grow all our vegetables for the year in the garden, and I work in the garden all day long. I do more work in the summer than winter.


Ketty said...

Hmmmm, it sounds extremaly good those little cupcakes.

And you are lucky to be able to have a garden. It´s great, to eat from your garden.


Unknown said...

Way to go on the kilo lost!! that´s big! I am struggling just to drop one pound. So we need to jumb for joy when we do! ;)

Big hugs
Dani Joy