Here is a picture of my family. It is the most recent picture we have. It was taken this past December. Actually, I put it on our Christmas letter. Anyway... by means of introduction,
Michael (top left) is my youngest, age 9 1/2
Andrew age 10 (almost 11)
My hubby, Joseph (that is my B-I-L´s dog P-nut) and Isaiah is 12.
Well, starting Friday, I will be joining them in their Karate dojo for my first karate class. I will only be going on Fridays though. I don´t think I want to be crammed in there with all the childeren on the other days. Fridays we will be going to the adult class. This will be quite an experiance for me as it is in Spanish and Japaness.
My workouts have been the same each day as I am joining my friend and sister in Christ, Rosa C., at her house to encourage, pray, and exercise together. We are currently on level 1, day 7 of the 30 day shred. She is coming a long way.
Everyday, I run to her house, up the 4 flights of stairs, then do the shred, run home and up my 4 flights of stairs. Some days I do more flights to get my 40 minutes in.
Then if I can, I do more walking to get another 20 minutes in for a full hour a day.
We walk everywhere here in Spain. What I concentrate on is keeping moving at a fast pace.
Springing with Ya,
Dani Joy
Such nice pictures. Karate sounds like fun. You will learn lots of things. I find I'm not coordinated enough for martial arts. I remembered trying when I was like 7 and couldn't get the hang of the falling part. My sansai (spelling?) told me I was unlike most children. Children usually pick up on it no problem. I guess it's the strong willed spirit in me that would not give in to being thrown LOL!!!!!
Anyways, I hope you have a great time. Actually, I know you will.
Keep us updated on how it is going.
Go Girl!
Now you're starting karate class, I'm sure your boys will enjoy having Mommy join them. Isaiah will be big enough to fight you once you've got a few moves down, THAT will be fun!
Thanks Ladies!
I will give you an exhibition on a video later. LOL
I will probably be like you Charlie. jeje
Dani Joy
Wow!! You go!!! Amazing working out! Walking everywhere is awesome...Russia was like that...wish it was a bit more like that here...nothing close enough to walk and not public transport!!
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