200 points Reached!
There is still a lot of time! We are just over halfway ladies. I would like to encourage those who are wanting to catch up or keep on springing even more, you can with this week´s
Click HERE.
Prizes updated!
1st - overall points -Made to Crave book (or $15 gift certificate)
2nd- overall weight lost - $10 gift certificate
3rd- overall inches lost - $10 gift certificate
1st place junior - $10 gift certificate
Please note changes above. I want to encourage all those still springing!
Our first place winner of this challenge will receive a Made to Crave book. I have not read it yet, myself, but I plan to very soon. http://madetocrave.org/purchase-resources/ I wish I could get ya´ll the whole set but, just the book for our First place winner. Second place and our first place jr. winners will receive $10 gift certificates.
This is what we are focusing on here in this challenge. That losing weight isn´t the main challenge. It is letting God be in control of every area of our lives.
Hope you enjoy this cute little video about the book. I also follow Lysa´s devotionals on http://devotions.proverbs31.org/. The lady writers take turns writing devotionals just for ladies.
Fearfully and wonderfully made,
Dani Joy
So, since you got the idea while brainstorming on my post, do I get extra points?! :-)
tee hee! giggle!
I may have to add one more prize winner too. I normally have 3 catagories but this time we also have two juniors with us. ;)
Hey Amy! How are you springing?
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