Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruth H. SIIS, Journal 2

Just popping in to say that I will me MIA around here for a couple of weeks. It is for a fun reason. I get to fly back to the States to be in my younger sister's wedding, so I am really excited about that. Gonna have to watch out for Momma's home cooking though, can't overindulge!

Last week was not a case of putting my best face forward :( We were battling the full-blown flu around here and I was down for the count for four days straight; no exercise, no eating much of anything, just a lot of laying in bed thinking of everything on my to do list.

I am not going to weigh in this week. I suspect I am down a few pounds from the sickness, but I am not counting those. Will check back in when I return in two weeks if I am not able to log on during my time away.


Charlie said...

Enjoy your time with your family. Weddings are so much fun.

Unknown said...

HOpe you can keep up with some exercise while you are gone.

Have a great time at the wedding and with your family. I know it goes quick but that it is so special. I got to go home for 2wks a few years ago for my brother´s wedding. It was hard leaving my family but, so worth the trip.

Dani Joy