Monday, March 7, 2011

Alice's weekly humor post

In case you can't read the caption it says "Why yes! I DO hear the brownies calling me!"

In my case it is the chocolate peanutbutter oatmeal butterscotch chocolate chip cookies that I made on Saturday. They are calling my name even though when I ate one Saturday night it wasn't quite as satisfying as I had thought it would be. I will try reminding myself of that thought and see if it does the trick. At the very least it should help me keep to just eating one or a portion of one cookie as opposed to the multiple quantities I am used to eating when I make homemade goodies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That´s what happened to me this weekend! a couple came over to eat this weekend bringing a huge package of pastries from the pastry store. Ketty and I tried hard to resist eating too many but they kept calling my name. I had a little bit here a little bit there. It was definitely a free day.

Ok.. but now it´s back to business!

Springing with ya,
Dani Joy