Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This is my second post for week 2. I am a tad behind. I have added a food tool that many have suggested...write everything down that you eat. I have a notebook and pen in the kitchen. I am curious to see how I do on the weigh-in Wednesday morning. It has really given me a needed boost. Knowing the food will be entered in my log makes me pause to think about that second pat of butter or extra spoon of 'whatever.' Until tomorrow...Anita


Unknown said...

Baby steps are great! It is in this way the weight comes off and we incorporate wonderful new habits into our lives for good.

Great idea about keeping a food journal. This helped me greatly in the beginning too.

I think I may need to start writing it all down again. I think I am eating more than I think again.

Springing with ya,
Dani JOy

Charlie said...

That is so great! Keeping a food journal does help and keeps you thinking about the food you eat. Great job!