Monday, March 7, 2011

Get Slim Without the Gym

This is way beyond my reach at this point, but when I read it, it seemed to be similar to what many of you 'in shape' ladies might be interested in...just an idea to maybe help you change things up a bit.

By Harley Pasternak, creator of the 5-Factor fitness: a plan of alternating simple strength moves and bursts of intense cardio with no rest periods -- tones you from head to toe in just 25 minutes.
Step 1: Cardio
Take your pick: Jog, climb stairs, skip rope, or do jumping jacks for 5 minutes to get your heart pumping.
Step 2: Strength Circuit: Alternating Lunge
Step 2: Strength Circuit: Shoulder Press
Step 2: Strength Circuit: Double Crunch
Step 3: Strength Circuit: Side Bend
Step 3: Strength Circuit: Dumbbell Row
Step 3: Strength Circuit: Dumbbell Dead Lift
Step 4: Cardio
Finish with 5 minutes of cardio (or do up to 30 minutes to burn even more calories).
The source where I found it is listed at the end of this post. The original article has pictures and complete explications. Some of you ladies are shaping up nicely! CONGRATS!!


Unknown said...

This is what the No More Trouble Zones DVD is a about. I love it! (well, it is tough but it feels great when you get through it)

Thanks for posting and encouraging us all to spring a little bit more.

Dani Joy

Charlie said...

I agree this seems to be the same concept as No More Trouble Zones. I think that's why I sweat the most during this DVD.
