I drove over to the parking lot of the supermarket which is right behind a little cafe I found yesterday that has wifi. I wondered if yesterday's code would get me in and it has so I am writing this quickly from the laptop in my car.
I didn't get my water points for the last two days but I will work hard to get back to the water drinking. I need all the help I can get to counteract the odd schedule and food choices of vacation. I am also in withdrawal from my scale. I meant to pack it in the car so that I could weigh in and keep track of myself to not let myself be too bad but then I forgot. So I am going to end up being totally in the dark for 10 days! Yikes! I could be in for a big shock when I get back to Madrid. I hope I have learned a few things from tracking my calories these past few weeks so that I don't sabotage myself too badly.
Last night we all watched a cool show on tv -- a game show I had not seen before. It was really fun and lasted a couple hours I think (we came in after it had started) so I started jogging in place and got 40 minutes in. Today we will head to the beach but I probably won't get any points earned although I will walk along the shore some. I measured the kilometers to the internet place today to see if I could make that my morning run. it was almost 2.5 km to get here so that may be something to shoot for in the morning .... run here, check email and facebook on my ipod and then run home. But I will have to get up and at it before 10 AM.
Last night when I checked mail and facebook I found out that a friend of mine, the mother of 2 of my kids' friends at the Christian school, was just diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. She and her family have lots of big decisions to make as they investigate what is available to them at this time. I went home and had a family meeting after supper to tell the kids. It was tough, but we had a prayer time and then, thankfully, that show was on which captured our attention and lightened the mood a little before bedtime. If you think of it, please pray for Jennifer Fields and her family at this time -- they are missionaries that work in the Christian school for mk's. And pray especially for my son, Philip, as he has a very tender heart which is breaking for his best friend, Josiah.
Well, I'm off to see if the rest of the troups have roused yet to start the day.
1 comment:
WOW! I'm sorry about your friend. I'll add her to my list. It seems like there are so many people suffering from cancer. The Lord knows. I trust they will be comforted and strengthened by the Lord. These are times were God's grace is manifested in a special way.
Enjoy your family vacation. I tried running in place during the soccer game last night, but I did not do well.
Good for you!
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