I pray to be able to take what we are doing here on our blog and transport it into a physical program I can do with ladies who want to gain strength, not just physically but spiritually too. My husband will be working with the football team and I will also be teaching English conversation classes. Please pray, as we embark on this very exciting ministry. There is a lot of work to be done. The place needs major cleaning, some new bathrooms and a kitchenett. It needs some wall work and major decorating.
If I am a little MIA at times, you know it´s not because I am letting up. ;) I am gearing up!
I walked to and from the new place twice today plus getting groceries. This is an hour or more of walking and I do it briskly so that I can count it for my points. Plus coming home with the cart full of groceries is my strength training.
Again, I would ask for your prayer for our family, for protection from the Enemy, for funds to be able to do all the Lord has put on our hearts, the proper help to get the work done for His honor and Glory, and last but not least, for many to come to know Jesus as Savior, the only Inner Strength we can depend on!
Love you, dear ladies,
Dani Joy
Very exciting - congratulations! I will definitely be praying that God will use this ministry center to reach people for HIM! How exciting for you and your family!
Sounds really exciting. I will pray that all will go well and that you will reach many souls through the ministry.
Wish I were there, we could workout together all the time.
Thanks ladies! apreciate your prayers so much! and all your encouragement!
oh Charlie, me too!
Big hugs
Dani Joy
Wow! I want to know how it goes. A few years back we wanted to offer English classes at church and we were told not to, because it was what Mormons did. Well, I think if it's not Christ dishonoring, we can do it for His glory, even if other people do it. So! Let me know what people's reactions are and I'll be praying for souls in your area. God bless you.
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