Usually Mondays are really not anyone's favorite day of the week. Why? We must go back to school, AND to work. Not our most favorite things to do, but they are necessary! The same is true of EXERCISE as well... no one really likes to do it... but we MUST if we are going to be healthy.
This Monday lots of happy sounds were coming from the rooms of our home: singing and pledgeing to the American flag, the washer and dryer going, and my friend Leslie Sansone telling me that She was glad I decided to take a walk today! LOL (I know that was a really bad run-on sentence!!)
I officially started with my workouts today. I am starting with my 1 mile easy walk all this week and will then go from there. I injured my ankle last January with a really bad sprain, this is why I need to go slow. My joints are so weak because of my weight that I'm in pain.
My goals for Shape Into Spring are to: get into a exercise routine, drink water faithfully, cook lighter meals, and to lose at least 10 pounds. I would love to lose more. I am praying for His strength to help me in that area. Thanks ladies for your posts and for being so encouraging.
WTG, Kristina! It will pay off. Slow but sure--your ankle and muscles will adjust-just push through!
Yeah Kristina! Happy Monday to you to.
I love the sound of the washing machine working away and I'm also walking with Leslie Sanone, though I find here extra happy voice and comments alittle cheesy!
Take it easy on your ankle, slow and steady is best.
Kathy <><
So true. I was just thinking about exactly what you were talking about this morning. It was so nice to have a day off, but now back to work.
I also remember to be thankful, that the Lord has given me the ability to do it. Being thankful really put's things into the right light.
Good job, on walking with Leslie. I love her videos too. You'll see as you become stronger and your ankles heal you'll be able to do more. Just take it easy on it.
It was a CRAZY Monday for me. I felt like I was running all day. And I still need to go get something for supper. it´s 8pm. YIKES. I needed to catch up here in the few min. I had. then off I go and then to study for History. NOt me my 4th grade son. but I have to help. I love run on sentences. haha
I am so excited for you to start your exercise program! Leslie´s walk this way is so good! I did it when I couldn´t get outside. ;) I can just hear her now. has a place where you can watch her online but also a place where you can track your weight loss. it´s fun to watch the pounds come off. You even get trophies for it. (virtual ones of course)
You can do this with God´s strength!
Cheering you on and Springing with ya,
Dani Joy
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