Thursday, January 28, 2010

Genni's Goals

Christmas 2009.

This is our family picture from last summer.
This is spring 2009

Well, it's about time I get with the program and tell you all a little bit about myself. My name is Genevieve (or Genni). I live down in the west Texas town of El Paso where you can go swimming in January (not really). I'm a 17 years old stay-at-home-daughter, I enjoy cooking, cleaning, jumping on the Trampoline, and being with my family.

I am 5´7"
134 lbs (I weighed 120 last year at this time:(

My goal si to get down to 120 pounds again.

I'm an ultra health nut, but in the past year I've let myself slip quite a bit eating cookies, ice cream, sugar etc. those never kind of foods, but I'm very excited to get back in shape with you all. My mom and I are doing this together. The plan is to do the Makers Diet by Jordan Rubin. It has three, 2-week phases.

Phase 1 you can eat:

*Meat : Kosher, red meat, poultry & fish

*Eggs: whole with the yolk like they are naturally

*Dairy (raw, unhomoginized is best): Lacto Fermented from goat or sheep milk

*Oil (non-hydrogenated): Coconut oil, olive oil, flax oil, or grass fed butter.

*Beans (soaked or fermented): lentils & Miso

* Nut's /Seeds (soaked or sprouted): Almonds, Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, Pumpkin seeds, Tahini, & Hempseeds.

*Fruit (fresh or frozen): Berries, limes, lemons, grapefruit.

* Beverages: Water, lacto-fermented drinks, Tea, vegetable juice, Coffee,

*Sweeteners: Raw honey (1T/day), Stivia

*Vegetables (fresh or frozen): all, but potatoes

*Grains: none

*Salt: Celtic Sea Salt

Phase 2, add to phase 1 foods:

*Dairy (raw, unhomoginized is best): fermented cow milk products, Raw goat's milk

*Oil (non-hydrogenated only): Peanut oil

*Beans (soaked or fermented): White, Kidney, Black, Navy

*Nuts/Seeds (raw or soaked):Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Pecans, Macadamia , Brazil.

*Fruit (fresh or frozen): all but, Bananas Papaya, Mango,

Vegetables(fresh or frozen): Potato, Corn

Phase 3, add to phase 1&2:

*Beans (soaked or fermented): Pinto, Lima, Black-eyed pea, Red, Garbanzo, Braod, Edamame.

*Nuts/Seeds raw, soaked, dry roasted): Peanuts, Cashews.

*Fruit (fresh, frozen, dried, canned): Banana, Papaya,

*Wholegrain (soaked /fermented, in small amounts):Ezekiel bread, Essene bread, Desem bread, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Kamut, Oats, Spelt, Amaranth, Millet, Cereal, Brown rice, Barley. Pasta.

I have felt very good doing this diet when I've done it in the past. Just goes to show you that God knows best and we do best when we follow him (even his diet). One more thing I have as a goal is to eat oly at meal times with the rest of my family, which will, I think, have a big impact on my fitness goals. God bless you all. May we seek to glorify Him with our body and minds.



Joy said...

Welcome Genni. I know the plan you are following as I have read the book. I like what he has to say about fermented food, and saurkraut goes into my salad almost every day.

Unknown said...

Hi, Genni! ( ´that´sure is easier to write than your full name but I love your full name too!) ;) I am soo glad you have made it on here.

I was hoping you would post a picture. Before and after pictures are very affective but also cause I want to see you! ;)
Also, you didn´t say your age that I know of. jejeje That´s ok. .I just wanted everyone to know you a little more. You are such a dear! I can´t tell you how excited I am to be doing this challenge with you!

Do you and your mom want to use the tickers? I can help you get them going if you want. I call my mom for her to give me her points.
Just let me know.

Miss yous!
big springy hugs,
Dani Joy

Ketty said...

Hi Genni, I´m glad you joined our crunch and thanks for all of those ideas about what´s better to eat. Another thing I have to print out. My house is going to look funny having papers all over the place.

And welcome.

Landry ladies said...

Hey thanks you guys. I finally figured out how to post pictures and I added a bit more about myself.

I miss you too Dani Joy;)!
I've never been able to figure those tickers, (I'm sure they're useful:). Is there a way to make it calculate time instead of miles (because my usual exercise is jump rope, trampoline jumping, or ski machine)?

I’m starting Makers Diet phase 1 today, so we’ll see how it goes.

It's great to meet you Joy and Ketty. I really appreciate you alls accountability and encouragement.



Unknown said...

Genni, the tickers are to track your points for this challenge. YOu get 1 point for every 20 minutes of exercise. You can calculate all your points you have exercised for the last two weeks if you can remember. Also..
1 point for every pound lost
1 point for every 1/2 inch lost.
Here´s how you do it. you just click on your ticker.
your password is your full first name. I didn´t know you would go by Genni. you just click on add, put the points you want to add and it updates it automatically.

If you can tell me your points and I can put them on for you if you want. I love seeing the tickers move. jeje

It´s great you and your Mom can do this together! Big hugs to you and your mom!

Dani Joy

Unknown said...

You are so beautiful!! inside and out!!! Love you!!!

Love your smile!! Don´t get to thin.. the weight will come right off but if you get too thin your face will sink in. jeje.. that´s what everyone is telling me here already. But I still have a little more to lose. LOL

Big hugs
Dani Joy

Annie said...

Genni I love you sweet daughter! You are my greatest help and I appreciate you very much. I look forward to loosing twice as much weight you do.


Landry ladies said...

Ok, I didn't realize that they were for points, but that’s great!
I know what you mean about getting to skinny :o. I never want to be like that again, but I got a bit of cushion before that happens. and they're just jealous that you're so lean and mean hehe.

Sarah K said...

Wecome Genni!
It looks like you have a great plan and are all set to go!
Springing into shape with you!